Daily Sweat! Yoga + ZWOW #48

ZWOW #48

ZWOW #48.001{4 rounds in 12minutes}

Yoga @ Great West Fitness

why practice yoga?

I am stoked that my gym started offering yoga on Wednesday nights. Tonight, I dropped in for half the class because it was game night at a friend’s house. And just like exercise, an active social life is an important aspect of healthy living:)

I really enjoyed the class.  It was on the smaller side and mostly beginners.  The instructor spend time teaching basic breathing and poses.  You know, stuff I should have learned in China when I started yoga.  However, the language barrier kept me from doing anything but copying the instrutor’s body movement.  The contrast was quite wonderful.  Being able to understand, ask questions, have my form corrected, etc… definitely makes it interesting. I am excited for this to become a permanent fixture in my weekly workouts.

Push Ups

60 {15, 15, 20, 10}

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