
once a year, go someplace you've never been before

I have been blessed to have parents that exposed my brother, Jordan, and I to new places and adventures as we were growing up.  During my younger years we mostly traveled domestically and within North America.  This is where I racked up the number of states I’ve been to.


touching the grass at Wimbledon 

Since 2007 our travels have become more international and extensive.  It started with me spending the summer in Spain, attempting to learn Spanish. Prior to my Spanish summer schooling, my mom and I traveld to London and Paris. This was my first European experience and it was LOVE at first sight.  That summer I decided I would travel to a new country every year of my life:) So far I have and I hope it can continue.


Christmas Day in Jamaica 

In 2008 my family went on our first cruise.  It was a Christmas cruise in the Caribbean.  Although it was odd having a beach Christmas at first, the cruise was awesome.  Summer of 2009 I went on a mission trip to the African country of Malawi.  Let me tell you, Africa will steal your heart!!!


Vacation Bible School in Malawi

During the 2010-2011 school year my brother went to Egypt for volunteer service and my family went to visit him over Christmas break.  During our Egyptian vacation, Jordan and I travelled over to Jordan (the country) to visit the famous Petra.  And of course we visited all the ancient wonders within Egypt.  Kyle and I will definitely be taking our kids there some day!!!


The Family on the Great Wall of China

Last summer (2011) Kyle and I decided to teach in China for a year.  So far, while living in China, we have been blessed to have traveled to Hong Kong, Bali and Thailand.  We have plans to have a stopover on our way home for a few days in South Korea.  Throughout my travels my eyes and heart have been opened to the world.   The most amazing principle I have been taught through my travels is that no matter where you go, people are the same. We all love, laugh, cry, and sometimes even hate.  We all  want the same things in life.  Even though our skin may look different or we may speak in different tongues when it comes to the heart of it, we are the same.

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