Tag Archives: No More Trouble Zones

Must Get Fitness DVDs

For those of you that love to get fit at home let me suggest some awesome fitness DVDs.  When it comes to fitness videos nobody does it like Jillian Michaels!  I really enjoy her workouts because she packs so much into a short time period.  She uses a lot of combo exercises (working out multiple body parts at once) which really gets your heart racing.  You will burn off fat and build muscle simultaneously!  Also did I mention the price… less than $10 each.

Just a heads up, these are not quite beginner workouts. She does however give beginner (and advanced) modifications throughout each workout making it doable for anyone willing to put in the time and try!

30 Day Shred, $8.99

25 minute workouts

6-Week Six Pack, $7.69 

30 minute workouts

No More Trouble Zones, $7.99

50 minute workouts

Also check out:

Happy Sweating!